Table of contents Chapter 1. HP 3000 Powershift - A 5 minute overview 1 Chapter 2. Powershift to open 7             Selling benefits of Open HP 3000 8             The HP 3000 delivers portability 10             Portability strengthened with POSIX 11             Recruit VABs with POSIX! 12             MPE/XL renamed to MPE/iX 13             Portability strengthened with Micro Focus COBOL 14             Announcing Softbench Link/3000 15             Improved portability means more VABs! 16             Lawson and JIT Resources - New UNIX VAB recruits 17             SAP & Visibility - More open VAB recruits 18             HP 3000 delivers interoperability 19             SNMP shipping today! 20             NFS strengthens workstation integration 21             TurboIMAGE APIs from Quest Software 22             HP 3000 supports IBM's information warehouse 23             OSE - A roadmap to open systems 24             Winning against AS/400 and DEC VAX 26             OSF brings increased coexistence of HP systems 27             OpenODB - Three years ahead of the competition 28             Questions and answers 29 Chapter 3. Midrange Powershift 31             Introducing the HP 3000 Series 977 32             The HP 3000 family of integrated systems 33             Winning against the competition 34             New memory, 40 user license, and floating point 35             New 2.0 Gbyte DDS drive 36             Questions and answers 37 Chapter 4. High-end Powershift 39             Introducing the Series 980/300 and 980/400 41             Series 980 performance 42             Competitive system pricing 43             Positioning of Series 980 versus 9x7 systems 44             New high availability disk products 46             Positioning of disk array products 47             Questions and answers 48 Chapter 5. Success stories 49 Appendices 53 Appendix A. 9x7 enhancements - structure changes 55 Appendix B. Series 977 product structure 56 Appendix C. Series 980/300 product structure 58 Appendix D. 900 Series configuration matrix 60 Appendix E. Terms and conditions 61 Appendix F. Sales tools 62 Appendix G. Open rollout schedule 63